吓!講真㗎?識 Excel 就識 A.I.?

a) 對 Excel 既操作有相當的熟識
b) 必要有 A.I. 既全面常識
c) 需了解不同的機器學習的演算法 (Machine Learning Algorithms)


Why Excel for Data Mining?
As it’s a very popular productivity software, applying it as a starting point for A.I., Machine Learning and Data Mining is a very good idea.

Excel allows users to work w/ data:
a) in a transparent manner
b) that intermediate results are examined conveniently
c) while some machine learning algorithms can be implemented, e.g. Linear Regression machine learning w/ Excel

Last but not the least, you may find the relations among A.I., Machine Learning, Data Science and Data Mining (w/ Excel) below: